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Toronto Boot Camp Member


"My name is Neil.  I'm just a average Joe that found a program that works! I've trained at other private gyms, mainstream health clubs, and tried all the popular fad diets like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers  with NO long-term success!


Two years ago, I was overweight, unhappy, depressed, suffered from first stage of osteoporosis and not proud of the way I was living and looked.


I  weighed 210 pounds and was 47% body fat! My waist size was 45inches. I had high blood pressure, was tired all the time, and was at high risk for a heart attack or worse! Then I came across Rob Gordy's Toronto Boot Camp. Things started to change quickly.

Rob is an  incredible trainer and helped change my total way of life! It was different! He really cares and wants you to succeed, not just to reach your short-term goals, but they readjust your thinking so you see health and fitness as a gift you give yourself, and a way of life!


He helped me with a nutritional plan which consisted of some loose guidelines right out of Health Canada and with training only the three days a week, and I lost over 30 pounds in and 5-6 inches off my waist!..


By 2012 I weighed in at 170 pounds and was only 23% body fat! That totals 24% of pure fat that I lost.My osteoporosis is reversed and non-existent, My depression is gone and energy levels are high! 


Rob Helped me big time, best trainer in Toronto ever!! Best Toronto Boot Camp!! "


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